Lab Meeting, Autumn 2016, Week 4
For next week!
Read Lexical representations are malleable for about one second: Evidence for the non-automaticity of perceptual recalibration, Samuel (2016)! Dan and Xin will talk about this paper, couched in a discussion on the role of attention in perceptual adaptation
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
A little python script I put together for batch editing / resizing images; saves tons of RA time on prepping images for some studies - AP
What we did over last week
Edited paper with Zach.
- Replied to lots of feedback on paper with Kathleen Hall, Beth Hume, and Andy Wedel on message-driven phonology.
- Read post-doc application files, some new, some old, to fill the two open positions we have.
- Interviewed an external RA candidate.
- Answered a few stats queries.
- Started weekly meeting with students for research methods course
- Read a lot on accent/memory papers
- Thought about ways to collection information on talker similarity
- Prepared a bit for presentation on Attention in Perceptual Adaptation
- Updated the lab webpage to add Xin and Shaorong (still need picture and blurb for Shaorong), move Kodi into postdoc alumni
- Started an RSRB amendment to reflect all the autumn personnel changes
Worked on my most recent CrowdExp list of changes from last week's meeting with Florian
- Actually got Enunciate working on Mac in Meliora 123C and PC in 123D
- Met with all of the RAs, Mike, and Chigusa. Some of these meetings were more or less brief than others.
- Thought through some of the design of my mini-language study.
- Tried to think through gamifying a distributional learning study - gonna look over Ting's whack-the-mole for inspiration.
- Reading a bunch about relative scalar adjectives (which are somewhat my jam).
- Reading a bunch about NLG, etc for my eventual lab meeting chat.
- Wrote an entire scholarship application in ~36 hours, including a personal statement, a research plan (with 4 studies), and a budget. Wish me luck.
Put together a little script in python to batch edit / resize images, which is particularly useful for VWP eye-tracking studies.
Made a totally bitchin' academic website (WIP)
Debugging MTurk pupillometry exposure experiment. (Discovered a bug in PapaParse as well)
- Quals research and reading list stuff.
- Subtitle paper drafts and ideas.
- Worked on debugging TOH experiment so it can go live in the next day or so.
- Got together MTurk materials for the NRT class. Started looking into the VOT corpora that Dave sent.
- Met with Zach to talk about Kamide project and what still needs to be done.
- TA duties: there was an assignment due this week, so answered a bunch of worried emails and held office hours.
- Had a chill weekend packing and eating through Rochester with Jon, before he moved to Seattle for his job today (Monday) T_T
Prepared & presented poster at the Dimensions of D workshop
- Prepared presentation on Shortlist B for HLP last week
Read a bunch of papers & made draft of presentation for Cognition (spreading activation models woo woo)
- NRT homework
- TA stuff -- there's an assignment due on Wednesday, so answering many last-minute questions!
- Working on a manuscript that's due by the end of this week.
- Talked about research ideas with different people.
- (Still) Working on the lab presentation this week.