Graphing with {{{lattice}}} and {{{ggplot2}}}
This meeting will cover data visualization with lattice, a modern R graphics package. This material will be based on a book by the authors of this packages, Deepayan Sarkar.
{{{lattice}}} resources the lattice book: Published in the UseR! series. Excellent reference with useful examples using standard lattice functions and customized functions.
the lattice book's website: gallery of all of the figures contained in the book, each produced in a color theme and a grayscale theme. Code can be seen next to each figure. Useful even if you don't have the book. best search site for help with R. (but, also try RSiteSearch())
Basic plots
For all of the above plots, we'll discuss the use of panels (or facets) and groups in plots.
Labels, annotation, and appearance
We'll talk about how to add legends, keys, text, titles, and other explanatory elements to plots. We'll also cover ways to define colors and color schemes. Finally, we'll talk about changing the appearance of text elements (fonts and sizes). The creation of themes will be introduced, but not covered in detail.
Custom plotting functions
If time permits, we'll discuss ways to build up customized plotting functions using both packages. For lattice, this means learning about panel.* functions.
Tutorial code
Check back before the meeting to download a script that will contain all of the R code used in the tutorial.
You can keep track of updates to this and my other tutorials at
Comments and questions
If there's anything in particular you'd like to see covered, or any questions you want answered, feel free to record them here.