Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 10
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
What we did over last week
- Went through two more rounds of edits for paper with Gina Kuperberg on prediction.
- Edited through Esteban's paper again, so that we could resubmit it. Rewrote parts of introduction and cut out redundancy.
- Read reviews for paper with Guillermo Montero Melis and Manne Bylund and drafted response letter and strategy for revision.
- Provided further feedback on CUNY posters (Masha, Dave).
- Wrote all offer letters to prospective students and send out emails to students we couldn't make an offer to. This required an unusual amount of time this time around.
- Agreed on title for talk at workshop in Saarbruecken (this April).
Finished two CogSci meta reviews.
- Edited/read through a few short abstracts for the upcoming artificial language learning conference (Basque Country) and a workshop in Sweden.
- Read through and provided feedback on Dave's thesis outline.
- Arranged dates for visits: HLP lab visit to Montreal; visit by Scott Seyfarth and Masha Fedzechkina to our lab.
Cleaned out my Dropbox due to end of SpaceRace promotion.
- Continued my search for missing MTurk results files, and figured out why Masha's results files for the last two years have been a hot mess. Now I just have to figure out how to salvage them.
- Started looking into moving subject running system to MariaDB, because SQLLite is just not up to the task.
- Accidentally blew up subject running db (unrelated to above) and started merging dumps of archives to fix it.
- Cleaned up my Python script to load HITs and automatically add SQS notifications.
- Harassed Alex about getting us his human subject training from Hebrew University so he can stay on Adaptation protocol.
- Progress on Becky/Masha/Bozena language survey.
- Unzipped stimuli for Tal's new experiment, which I need to get up soon.
- Started the amendment to get the RAs on the protocol.
Started thinking about the training for them on how to properly fill out and file a consent form for next weeks meeting (WoOoOoOo). Anyone who wants their RA trained on this important skill let me know...
Working on learning JavaScript
- Spent a lot of time writing portions of the tutorial, proof reading what I had written before, reorganizing where I want things to go, staring at it, and thinking about general things before SPR
Like Andrew, I too cleaned out my Dropbox due to end of SpaceRace promotion.
- Finalized CUNY poster after more feedback (thanks, guys!)
Wrote up skeleton of my dissertation 😅😬🙀
Finalized adaptation imaging experimental scripts
Updated Rpackages wiki page (reorganized, added new hadleyverse packages, and updated instructions for installing packages from source using devtools).
[WIP] started major re-write of imaging analysis classifier functions/interface.
- Met with Chigusa from two different time zones
- Asked Olga to make new images for the (perhaps) final task of the Mammals project
- Listened to the recordings for the project with Zach, and thought about recording the stim myself
- Finished grading for Lang Dev
- Explored Mexico City
- Got a UR Box Account
- Celebrated Pi Day accidentally by eating a nacho pizza in Mexico City
- Finished CUNY poster, submitted it to print
- Made Google Drive folder for easy coordination with RAs
- Played with pilot stimuli recorded with Sarah last week
- Did hella reading for auditory perception exam
- Decided to do review article for LLC, figured out tentative title
- Took the *subtle* hint and opened a linkedin
- Worked on learning Python
- Did not regret celebrating Pi Day
- Finalized / recorded stimuli for the Zamanda project
- Recorded stimuli for Kamide project
- Got the barebones of the GoT project ready and revamped
- Did a lot of work with the eye-tracker and pygaze
- Got a UR Box account
Read most of K&J
- Regretted celebrating St. Patrick's Day
Worked on PyGaze stuff and started coded the Kamide replication with Zach.
- Created a new 11-step continuum for s-sh.
- Emailed Matt Huenerfauth at RIT regarding sign language and ASL animation. (He responded with a, "I'm busy this week, will respond in detail next week")
- Graded a huge bunch of papers on lg and innateness for Steve's class.
- Ran causal inference exp on 16 participants on new s-sh continuum
- Got data for the above. Summary forthcoming.