Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 12
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
What we did over last week
- Read two JML submissions and finished reviews about them.
- Kodi and his wife visited town and we caught up on plans.
- Worked on paper with Dan Gildea.
- Submitted two plenary abstracts for talks in Leipzig and Saarbruecken that are coming up.
- Read through Tal Linzen's revisions of his paper on entropy and entropy reduction and provided feedback. We are close to resubmitting, but there are some unexpected results to understand (I think there are likely due to a bug in this case).
- Met with Linda and talked about her very exciting first round of results (web-based experiment on causal reasoning (or lack thereof) during speech perception. We are still battling with ceiling/floor effects (too many people classify the test items always as /s/), but the results now look already very reasonable. We'll give it one more try by looking at slightly shifted test items.
- Edited through Alex Fine's letter to the editor - a 20 page monster (because of the length of reviewer comments). It was a bit disheartening to see how uninformed some of the reviewers were about the idea that syntactic adaptation might drive syntactic priming effects. This stood out very clearly since some reviewers totally got it and had interesting follow-up questions. But that particular subfield strikes me as rather stuck in old ways of thinking.
- Provided some preliminary feedback on paper by Liz Karuza on sequential prediction during statistical learning (in an AXB paradigm). It seems other people are getting close to testing similar ideas. At CUNY, there was on poster out of Jenny Culbertson's lab that addressed a very related question.
- Talked with Scott Fraundorf about the next steps in his needs+participle project. At CUNY we saw that Mike Kaschak now also works on this question again and that his lab is running very similar experiments. I think we have a good idea for the next steps. Happy to talk about it, if there's interest.
- Got invited to conference in Merida (on variability in Yucatec) in November
- Got invited to write Annual Review of Linguistics article for 2017 issue.
- Some updates to the new webpage
- More on the language survey for Becky, Bozena, and Masha. Now has drag and dropable language selection instead of faked data.
- Ran some pickup subjects for Tal and converted all the data.
Helped Sarah try to find the DLL she needs to make Matlab PsychToolbox 32bit work, since they've dropped all 32bit support.
Helped one of Zach and Linda's RAs get a version of Python installed with the right libraries s.t. they could use the PyTk based app that Linda is having them use.
- Started collecting more material for the continuing review (Findings, demographic stuff) Hope to have it submitted within the next two weeks.
- Waiting for Alex fine before submitting an amendment... Talked to an RA (need to see if she's completed her certification)
- Wiki work
- Met with two RAs about fixing a set of stimuli for a SPR experiment
- Met with an independent study group about fixing stimuli for an SPR experiment
Made major revisions to a Revise&Resubmit paper for LCN
- Attended the neural bases of speech production conference at CNS
- Drafted blog post on the interesting findings and my overall impression from the conference
- Shook a million hands at university schmoozefest. Narrowly missed Goergen donating 11$m to data science institute like it was NBD.
- Hacking away at fMRI classifier interface (group-level analysis).
- Worked on all of my NRSA F32 documents: mostly tried to pull together all of the small documents, but also continued making edits to the Research Strategy and Specific Aims.
- Skyped with Willemijn to try to further debug the new Gotta script. The Eyelink still won't connect, but I may have now located the correct dll file. Further testing will continue this week.
- Gave a guest lecture with Alyssa Ibarra in Scott Grimm's class on corpus linguistics; Ling 250: Data Science for Linguistics.
- Did some s/sh recordings for Maryam.
- Heard back from XPrag, got a 20 minute talk. Confirmed that I'd be attending
- Gave a guest lecture in Intro to Pragmatics on experimental work in pragmatics. The students apparently thought that the experimental work is interesting. Scott gave me a bit of feedback and asked if I'd be willing to give the same lecture next year.
- Met with students about their CHILDES homework.
- Gave a guest lecture on Fedzechkina et al (2012) in Lang Dev, and then hosted a review session for the students.
- Sent out a lot of announcements to students.
- Read papers for class.
- Worried about my grant proposal.
- Wrote up instructions for RAs to work with Praat
- More Pygaze stuff
- Chugged through some more of the Zamanda stimuli
- Comforted friend
- Distilled applejack
- Wrote some python stuff for intercoder reliability measures
- Held RA meeting. Showed RAs basics of reading waveforms / spectrograms
Looked at data from CausalReasoning Exp3 with Florian. Working on running a few more peeps to balance out for excluded participants, writing up overall plan for next steps, and getting instructions to RA about putting in white dot catch trials (to ensure that subjects are paying attention to the pen)
Worked on PyGaze stuff (Add in coordinate / sentence position)
- Moved recorded stimuli over to slate to clear up some Dropbox room for Zach.
- Held review session + office hours for Steve's exam.
- Finished programming project for NLP
- Went to RA meeting, figured out what was happening with MIA RA
- Recorded Matt and Sarah for Phonetic Generalization norming/piloting, assigned RAs to chop up files
- Figured out next steps for prosody/intelligibility project with Chigusa
Finally figured out FricativeMaker script
- Registered for LSA summer institute
- Read for classes
- Did my taxes