Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 16
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
What we did over last week
- Finished editing revisions and letter to the editor for Tal Linzen's paper on uncertainty in sentence processing. We ended up doing a lot of work in redoing the model and analyses (Tal) and in rewriting the intro and discussion (both of us).
Finished revisions of Masha's paper (with Lissa and me) on how artificial language learning data can complement typological research. The paper was mostly done and only needed some minor edits.
- Finished revisions of Masha's paper on case-marking vs. word order as means of marking grammatical function assignment. I made a couple of larger last minute revisions, but we're almost there (fingers crossed).
- Started editing the paper with Bozena, Alex, and Dave on multilingualism as probabilistic inference.
- Kept working on paper with Dan Gildea (information density and dependency length, creating new graphs)
- Wrote an outline for possible commentary on BBS paper by Christiansen and Chater with Klinton and Mike T.
- Modifications to experiment running stuff for Scott's new experiments
- Put 3 new experiments on MTurk for Scott
- Met with Chigusa and Florian. Talked about projects and papers. Found a couple papers to read. Will update what they are later
- Tutorial
- Hired an RA. Figuring out if another one is staying for the summer or not.
Revised cog sci paper and submitted to co-authors via a pull request
Finished first pass implementation of Stan model to infer listeners' prior beliefs from just their categorization responses. Ran the model on the data from unsupervised learning and got some reasonable-looking answers (in the sense that they're not totally crazy, if not exactly what I would have predicted).
Ran first subject in fMRI adaptation study (finally), which required some last minute hacking to clean up and fix bugs, and to adapt the code for the scanner portion to also work for a behavioral post-test.
- Talked about my grant proposal with ESP, submitted a slightly edited version to class, got more reviews from class.
- Finished setting up the naming study, looked over the eye-tracking data to ensure it was working properly, fixed a few small problems with running in Mel 415, suggested buying a new monitor because the display is very dark, and ran the first few participants.
- Sent an email to Emiel Krahmer about meeting while I'm in Europe this summer.
Worried about emails not getting through to undergrads / others as a result of the problems with our new mail server
- Made arrangements for Jessamyn's visit.
Discussed the changes I need to make to my CogSci paper with Mike and Chigusa, opened the document.
- Met with new RA who is a double ASL/BCS major interested in work on sign. Planning to start her in the summer with some light reading while sorting out the details of the project, and having her do real work in the fall.
- Set up some meetings with people to get more thoughts on adaptation in sign language. Namely, Patti Clark from the ASL department (for connections to Deaf community in Rochester) and my adviser from Chicago (Diane Brentari) for her ASL phonology expertise. Also sent an email to Jon Keane (computationally-oriented post-doc in Diane's lab) to get suggestions for ways to generate artificial sign stimuli.
- Talked to Zach/Florian about making Kamide replication as task-based paradigm, following feedback from Kurtan. Sent Kamide an email about one question that came up (about learning in-scene statistics), and am still waiting on a response.
- More work on pen studies... I'll update when I have a clearer idea of what is going on.
- Graded optical illusion papers for Steve's class.
- More or less finished final programming assignment for NLP.