Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 17
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
What we did over last week
- Met with Jessamyn and talked about a possible NRSA post-doc application. Will continue to talk soon.
- Met with Emily Morgan to plan her NRSA post-doc application and to chat about collaboration with Gina, Ani Patel, and her.
- Edited editorial letter for Masha's Cognitive Science submission (the journal).
- Continued working on paper with Dan Gildea.
Made minor edits on Dave's CogSci paper.
- Spent hours creating a new NIH biosketch in the new required format. Still not done! This is for an NIH equipment grant for a magnet update for the RCBI.
- Read a tenure file.
- Have been working with Linda to perhaps still make the AMLaP deadline. Excited but non-replicating data. More about that in lab mtg.
- Celebrated Esteban's well-deserved award =) and (sadly) Geertje's farewell.
- Rewrote my code for processing HIT status notifications from Amazon SQS. The old version would take several seconds even if the queue was empty. The new version seems to take no more than a second even if there are dozens of messages, and milliseconds if it's empty.
Started captioning Florian's Rutgers talk on the research page while I babysat Scott's MTurk experiments. The audio is pretty bad and if we want people to watch, it would help if you could make out more of what's being said. I've made it about 25 minutes in. In case anyone cares, I'm using AegisSub, which I'm liking so far.
- Hunted down video stimuli from our Yucatec experiments, converted it from AVI to MP4 (AVI = 3.7GB, MP4 = 230MB), and uploaded it to Box for the person who asked for them at Cornell.
- Rewrote my SPR conversion script before converting Scott's results (120 workers)
- With Olga, attempted (with no luck) to find our letter of approval for our Mexico field work, since suddenly the RSRB wants it 7 years later.
- Figured out how to make the embedded Twitter widget for webpages blend into our site better
- Wrote the most evil Python function I've ever done. You'd think a Perl programmer wrote it:
def parse_region_file(region_file):
with open(region_file, 'r') as rfile:
splitreg = [x.strip().split('|') for x in rfile.readlines()]
regdict = {int(reg[0]): reg[1].split(';') if reg[1] != '' else ['NA:0,0', ] for reg in splitreg}
return {k: dict([(x[0], map(int, x[1].split(','))) for x in [y.split(':') for y in v]]) for k, v in regdict.items()}
--Zach: This makes me want to summon Cthulhu.
--Andrew: Ia Ia Cthulu Fhtagn
- Worked a lot of personal statement and application for data science
- Hiring Lauren. Figuring out what RAs to keep for next year. If you have an HLP RA that is not staying in Fall 2015 let me know!
- RSRB. Found the letter and consent forms that they were asking for. Uploaded it (5/4). Hopefully they are happy
- Read two papers and discussed them with Chigusa and Florian. I'll add paper names at a later point.
Scanned a bunch of subjects in fMRI adaptation experiment
Finalized cog sci paper and submitted
Summarized new plan for discussion of L1 processing lit in Ln learning paper
Finessed a bunch of variations on "inferring listeners' priors" model: add lapsing rate, adding additional shift condition (-10 /b/, 30/p/).
- Practiced talk on SET for ETAP3 in Kur-Tan lab
- Edited outline of dissertation to reflect feedback obtained from SET presentation in Kur-Tan
- Met with Anne Pier to discuss the appropriate formatting of the edf output file for the new Gotta eye-tracking study
- Updated last of the files needed by my RA to finish the SET speech act annotations
- Outlined a plan of action for consolidating the annotations for the SET corpus.
- Ran 16 participants in the naming task, plotted the eyetracking data in excel, and was a little uncertain of what to make of it. Meeting with APS and MKT this week (maybe) to discuss it.
Made edits to, and submitted the final draft of my CogSci paper.
- Found out I was awarded a travel grant to present the paper in (2). Wahoo!
- Graded final assignments for Lang Dev.
- Started prepping my Kur-Tan lab talk, as a first pass on my MXPrag talk.
- Updated my website a little bit.
- Found a very cute subtitle experiment that has some potential
- Made loads of stimuli
- Wrote up new instructions for the RAs about their new task
Did some research on Australian English vowel length. Is it me or does Australian dialectology suck? Either that or they suck at publicizing. -- TFJ: it's probably you.
Began self-flagellation setting aside designated time for pure paper reading.