Lab Meeting, Spring 2016, Week 2
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
- Spent the last few weeks rewriting maybe 70% of Hal's Artificial Language Learning (ALL) Flash app due to feature requests from Masha requiring a massive overhaul of the code.
- Connected RAs to grad students
- This is from previous weeks but finished a lot of the tutorial stuff I needed to get done over break
- Set up the schedule for the lab meetings this semester
- Continuing on the continuing review
- Got some NIH numbers
- Finishing up experimental lists for old studies.
Generating submit-able manuscript (latex -> docx conversion) for a chapter with Florian.
- Submitted supplementary material for the JML paper.
Did some follow-up analyses to find something worthwhile from a follow-up to an study with Scott & Florian (nothing
1. Submitted first CogSci draft 1. Got the stimuli, design, and lists all ready for the new subtitle experiment for the CUNY talk
- Ran some pilots to test stimuli for Subtitle Experiment
- Brainstormed ideas for continuation of Causal Attribution project that move past causes that require visual stimuli.
- More analysis on the Kamide Project.
RA meeting. Arranged for Emily (Larisa can't make it) to give a presentation on C&G in early Feb. RA meeting Spring 16 schedule
Did some parsing of data and graphical analysis of Mimo Prosody experiment (w/Chigusa & Iris).
- Re-read paper from Susan Wagner-Cook and Mike to discuss potential follow-up.
Finished a CogSci draft, got comments from Roger & lab, finished another draft, waiting for more comments from Roger & others
- Meetings with Frank/Mike/Steve/Anne Pier on eyetracking modeling project. Coded up a couple of models with Frank
Finished materials for ditransitive definiteness project, created counterbalanced lists for first pilot. Currently figuring out how to get SPR web experiment up & running
Started going to Steve's lab meetings. Expanding my horizons!