Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 12
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Frank's word learning paper is out! Congrats, Frank! Mollica & Piantadosi (in Open Mind)
Horton & Gerrig (2017) Revisiting the Memory-Based Processing Approach to Common Ground.
What we did over last week
- Research
- ...
- A few back and forths with Volya Kapatsinki and Masha on a potential project on the role of feedback in morphological learning.
- Prelim analyses of Grace's data.
- Re-analysis of Duane Watson's replication failure of Fine et al (2013, Exp 2). I find pretty clear signatures of the original effects.
- Another few rounds (x 4) of writing on a short reply to Nieuwland et al. (2017) together with Shaorong.
- A complete edit through Guillermo's study on path- and manner-priming in native and L2 speakers of Spanish.
- A complete edit through the result section of Esteban's causal inference during articulation paper.
Feedback on
- CUNY dry runs x 3 (v2-3)
- CUNY poster (Shaorong x 5, Wednesday x 3)
- CUNY slides (Wednesday x 2; Linda x 2)
- CMCL slides (Zach x 1)
- Logistics:
- Made Andres Buxo Lugo an offer to join both HLP and Kinder Lab.
- Service:
- Stats advice to Nate Delaney Bush.
Reviews: rejected (2). accepted (1).
Letters: 2 (2 new).
- ... Reading Mr. Burchill's quals
Continued reading Sebastian Sauppe's thesis. (Ch 2)
Feedback on introduction and general discussion parts of Guillermo Montero Melis's thesis.
- Ran fill-ups for BCS 206 and analyzed new data
- Met Linda a couple of times to give feedback on CUNY talk slides
- Prepared and presented at Probability Theory Class
- Calculated metrics and ran analyses on biphone frequency and other lexical measures for BCSstudy
- Read on fMRI papers on brain response to speech intelligibility
- Cleaned up and merged data on all of our HITs, anonymized them, and uploaded to Box for Florian
- Learned some dplyr in the process of doing the previous
- Started playing with the data a bit and trying to make some graphs. If anyone has new MTurk data to put on slate from 2017 experiments, that would be nice.
- Made a backup the Poser files from both Poser computers onto slate so Masha can get work started in Arizona
- A little more work on helping Scott’s lab get set up for MTurk. Set up nginx + Passenger, set up SSL certificates, got basic app working.
- Did a bunch of overdue software updates on slate, www, and the NAS
Thanks to the NAS update, it now supports BtrFS, so I can do backups (to USB/eSATA external disk) with snapshotting. Hope to talk Florian into letting me redo the main storage volume Ext4 -> BtrFS this summer so we can have on-disk snapshots, transparent disk compression, and self healing w/ checksums. The backup of our ~2TB of data onto a BtrFS external drive looks like it will end up ~800GB.
Started the boto -> boto3 conversion of SQS related code in CrowdExp
- Removed the dead lab blog feed (RIP Google Feeds API) and replaced it with invited Skype talks, per Florian's request
- Cleaned up the carousel on the front page of the lab website
- Edited and prepped for my poster at CUNY, as well as Wes' poster.
- Drove to CUNY (honestly, up there with one of the more taxing things I did this week).
- Drafted / submitted a GSA travel award app for CUNY.
Started working on a data report on my project with Sarah & Chigusa, re: appropriately updating based on the expected utility of the evidence.
- Graded exams for BCS 111.
- Worked on Kid Eyetracking experiment (probably).
- Met with Mike, Alyssa, and Jeff about an uncertainty / production task.
- Wrote an abstract (probably) for my Brown talk.
- Work on CUNY talk. Met with Xin a few times, and Florian a few times.
- Classwork for Duje's class and for grant writing. Reading for Raj's class.
- Did my taxes; paid all sorts of other taxes.
- Worked on Bradlow and Bent writeup.
- CUNY prep all day every day (4 practice talks, 2 practice posters)
- Analyses of new corpus data:
- new corpus of definiteness ordering (thanks to Madeline's lovely annotation work) lines up really well with Bresnan's! Time to collect many, many more verbs
- between-speaker DO/PO differences? In Bresnan's Switchboard annotations, there looks to be a little bit. cool!
- Reading for class
- Gave a presentation on the auditory system for Duje's class
- Prepared/taught stats lab
- Trying to find time to grade homeworks...
- Updated my website to be slightly less hideous/more presentable. Added poster pdf, talk slides to website
- CUNY, went to a lot of talks and presented a poster;
- Working on presentation at lab meeting;
- Read and write for courses.