Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 13
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Congratulations to Zach for winning this year's best talk award at CMCL. Fantastic!
What we did over last week
- Research
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- A few back and forths with Volya Kapatsinki and Masha on a potential project on the role of feedback in morphological learning.
Started potential collaboration on to-omission after help with someone at Leipzig. If anyone is interested in joining let me know. I have all the data. I know the effect is there. (and large-ish). And it's an interesting effect where the inferrability of the present syntactic context given the right context predicts the omission of to.
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- Another few rounds (x 2) of writing on a short reply to Nieuwland et al. (2017) together with Shaorong.
- Edited Linda and Xin's paper on accent generalization (Experiments 1 and 2)
Edited Liz Karuza's revisions of our paper on learning to sequentially predict. We hope to resubmit to JEP:LMC to convince the editor that it's more novel than reviewers considered it (due to mistakes in our presentation).
Edited Masha's paper on dependency length minimization. I think we finally found a concise way to summarize our results. Readying things for resubmission to PsychScience.
- Final edit of letter to the editor for resubmission of Masha's paper!
- Edited introduction to Wednesday's paper on syntactic expectations.
Edited first few pages (framing) of Hall et al paper for proceedings of SST conference. We're trying to bridge the psycholinguistics and phonological literature, expanding a bit on our longer paper under review at Language.
Feedback on
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- Logistics:
Made Andres Buxo Lugo a revised offer to join both HLP and Kinder Lab. And he accepted =).
- Service:
- one completed on Bayesian data analysis.
- 1 rejected.
Letters: 1 (1 new).
- Back to reading Mr. Burchill's quals
Finished reading Sebastian Sauppe's thesis. Wrote evaluation. Had a longer chat with him about some of his analyses. Zach, if you need a nice example of a more insightful time-series pupillometry analyses, I recommend Sebastian's paper coming out in Language.
- Analyses on BCS207 data: gather corpus-base lexical/phonotactic metrics, explored exposure-test item overlap, the effect of demographic factors,etc.
- Finished a draft of intro of BB08.
- Started writing on CG04.
First-read of a to-be-reviewed LabPhon paper.
- Tons of little updates to the lab website, mostly at Florian's request
- Got Scott's lab's web server to the point where his lab manager just needs to put their API keys in for services and to migrate from SQLite for testing to MySQL for production so they can start running experiments
- Ended up making a bunch of little changes to my old SPRRunner code that Scott's lab will be using based on what broke when I tried to set it up there.
- Emailed with Ting about his web-based experiment system (in private beta), which looks really nice and has some preliminary MTurk integration. Need to follow up with him and see if I could get Xin or someone using a variant of Dave's paradigm set up on it so we can potentially take some of the need for programming out for people.
As a first step of moving from boto -> boto3, rewrote notification processing code (SQS) to use boto3. Once I figured out how to use it, I had to change surprisingly little. But it definitely has a learning curve. Still need to test it to make sure I don't end up in an infinite loop of message processing.
- Spent two days troubleshooting the Kinder Lab eye-tracker. Turns out the Sophos anti-virus software was preventing the eye-tracking computer from sharing data with the display PC. Despite wanting to test this hypothesis on the first day, Chris was insistent that it shouldn't be a problem. It's a problem. Don't let this happen to you.
- Graded for BCS 111.
- Tried to organize a make-up NCUR for the BCS / NSC students because they missed the actual conference due to bad weather in Atlanta. It's looking like it'll be on Friday, probably starting at like 12:30, since undergrads have super conflicting schedules.
- Started working on a collab project with Alyssa, looking at how people can use an interlocutor's un/certainty about the labels of things to extract their knowledge about a topic / modulate their referring expressions for shared vs. privileged label knowledge.
- Met with Mike about my Brown talk / coordinated with their admin about my meeting schedule.
- Classwork: grant writing hardcore, readings for class too!
- Gave talk, ate horsemeat
- All that talk preparation.
- Classwork: editing of grant. Readings
- Finished editing Exp1 and writing up Exp2 of BB08.
- Gave a lunch talk (CUNY talk).
- Downloaded Phonological Corpus Tools. Read through the documentation for computing acoustic similarity. Will be running the actual analysis soon... I'm curious to see how these will align with our perceived ratings.
- Analysis of new data for dual gesture project. So far it looks like only one of the four gestures are doing what was intended.
- Did some new corpus analyses to test whether speakers differ in their DO/PO productions (seems like they don't)
- Wrote new introduction to ditransitive paper
- Did new analyses of uncertainty maintenance data to better understand trial effects
Recruited Madeline to write new stimuli & record them (for uncertainty maintenance project)
- Analyzed new corpus data annotated by Madeline
Recruited Evan & Madeline to annotate sooo many sentences
- Got off my lazy butt and graded
- Classwork
- Writing for class, reading for class
- Editing the response to Nieuwland et al. 2017
- Prepared for the presentation at hlp
Preparing for a presentation at KurTan