Lab Meeting, Summer 2016, Week 3
- Xie will join our lab. Yay!
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
* R flexdashboard - new package to create interactive dashboards with R Markdown --alw
What we did over last week
- Sent update about our efforts to pilot web-based paradigms for ARC project to Cathi and Jason. This triggered a discussion about where to best apply for funding when with whom, etc. If you're interested, let me know, and I'll fill you in. For now we planned a skype mtg with all involved parties some time in June, but funding-wise nothing will happen before next year. Thanks everyone though for helping to push this project.
Feedback on Esteban's project report for his distributional analyses of hyper-articulation.
Feedback on Esteban's project report for his follow-up on how interlocutor feedback affects hyper-articulation. The results seem to come out really nicely!
Edited Linda's draft of her paper on causal inferences in speech perception.
Edited Zach's draft of his paper on the role and limits of right-context in accent adaptation. It's a nice example of a pretty consise and to-the-point summary of these findings.
Edited Hall et al on an info theoretic approach to phonology. Two(?) more rounds? It has come a long way since I joined the project and it was fun to see that all the hard work we have put into this seems to be paying off.
Edited Montero Melis, Bohnemeyer et al (10+ coauthors!) write-up on the largest-ever cross-linguistic assessment of Slobin's path/manner interpretation of the Sapir-Whorff hypothesis. We present a solid null effect across 17 languages (all assessed using the same method) and power analyses as to why even this sample is probably not enough to conclude anything meaningful. I think it's a cool study (to which I contributed only a wee little bit of advice in the final stages) and a well-written paper (thanks to Guillermo). We'll submit next week to a special issue in honor of Leonard Talmy Cognitive Semantics.
- Started planning Europe trip ... which starts next week.
Got CrowdExp running on current version of Python and Node packages on local dev server
Added a bunch of feature requests to the issue tracker for CrowdExp based on feedback from last fall
Met with Olga about RedCap to retrain me and so we can schedule a training meeting for RAs to get them doing data entry
- Firmware update on the NAS, and software updates on slate and www
- Updated the reference so it's correct.
- Started shiny tutorials
- Hunting for jobs/ interviewing
Met with Andrew about RedCap.
- Updated another round of analyses and edits to the meta-analysis of distributional changes in speech.
- Updated the data report on a follow-up to my JML paper (updated data set, re-ran analyses and added new ones).
- Got into the weird guts of a few R libraries.
- Met with Kevin Munhall and followed-up via email.
Accepted invitation to review for JASA EL and also agreed to look over a manuscript from Andy Wedel & co.
- Dealt with some NIHMS proofs and pulled together things for my NRSA progress report.
- Continued plugging away at dissertation.
Ran final batch of subjects for VOT distributional learning study
Prepared and presented lightning talk on fMRI VOT adaptation for Helen.
Prepared and presented tutorial on R data packages
Got a free researcher account on Github, which now grants you unlimited private repositories.
Confirmed defense date and time and first round of negotiations about actual content of dissertation.
Very rough outline of a paper for a TopiCS issue on the intersection of socio- and cognitive approaches to speech perception.
- Brainstormed ideas for modeling structured adaptation/generalization using the Nationwide Speech Project vowels corpus.
- Mostly vacationed.
- But also:
- Started working on some IRB stuff with BC, in case I wind up spending some time in Boston running kids.
Skimmed the abstract of Steve & Celeste's new paper; also a paper on pragmatic priming by Bott, Lewis, & Chemla (2016).
- Scheduled a meeting with Wesley to chat with Chigusa about some independent project ideas.
- Got some images from Dan, that he's normed, and thought a bit about my uncertainty project.
- Thought a bit about my kid project (enough to give vague details to BC's IRB, but not enough to really know what's what.
- Entertained family