Lab Meeting, Summer 2016, Week 4
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
What we did over last week
Edited Hall et al.
Read new version of Bicknell et al.
- Did a bit of catching up on where various projects stand.
- Planned a grant with Tal Linzen
Feedback on second round of Masha's grant proposal.
- Vacationed for a few days.
- Spent time with family.
Got RAs started on entering subjects into RedCap
- Accidentally volunteered to give a Git tutorial to the RAs on June 7th
Started redesigning the CrowdExp user onboarding process, such that they will be able to choose which courses they are enrolled in and join or create a project group for each course with no outside intervention
- Went home to Columbus for a long weekend to see family
- Had a meeting with the RAs and set them up with redcap so they can now enter information
- Scheduling the RAs for their headshots so they can have photos for the website
- Went to the catskills and home for the long weekend
- Did a first pass read and review for a JASA EL manuscript.
- Continued making progress on the JML follow-up analyses.
- Ran some participants for above said list who had been excluded.
- Continued work on meta-analysis; getting ready for writing.
- Learned me a haskell.
- Continued working on NIHMS proofs.
Analyzed Nationwide Speech Project data for
- How well you can classify gender/dialect/both given unlabeled formant data
- How well you can categorize vowels from an unfamiliar talker, given gender/dialect/both/none
- How well you can simultaneously infer indexical group (gender/dialect/both) and vowel categories
Wrote up results and conclusions from those analyses.
- Sent an email begging for data from people.
- Apparently should do this for the summer
- Pragmatic inference: working on norming study in Qualtrics to see if, when the noun is cut off in the critical trials, there's a preference to pick the target or competitor items.
- Recorded Madeline for the extra condition in Emily/Larisa's project. Waiting to hear back about if they match the other recordings and about annotating them.
- Started another round of VOT annotation for Esteban