RA Meeting, TERM 2016, Week 10

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Met with Masha to go over partner study procedure
  2. Ran 6 subjects (5 of which are usable) on Thursday for Kamide replication, with more scheduled for late Tuesday evening
  3. Made our subject spreadsheet all nice and pretty. (*´ω`*)


  1. Visited my family
  2. Submitted my visa application
  3. Spent a lot of time on Amtrak



  1. Working for Elika
  2. Ran 1 subject
  3. Working on Error Data Analysis


  1. Did some more work on the pupil experiment and ran Madeline through for another data point
  2. Ran 4 subjects 3 usable for adaptation study and put up more slots for next week
  3. Did more work on adjectives study, pilot tested some folks and wrote up a bit on the design

RaMeetingSU16w10 (last edited 2016-07-12 16:31:56 by dhcp-10-5-6-40)

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