RA Meeting, TERM 2016, Week 7
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
NLTK for Python: http://www.nltk.org/ It's a bunch of corpora and analysis methods, as well as a book of Python for computational language research. --Bethany
What we did over last week
- Did some last minute testing of the eyetracking experiment w/ Wes
- Put up flyers for Masha's partner study
- Redcaaaaaaaap
- Went to Chicago (again) and got some hilarious sunburns
- Went through Masha's partner study with her to check for errors
- Hid inside away from the sun because it hates me
- Registered for AMLaP! I'm going to my first science conference and moving to a new country all in the same week, and I'm going to die but it will be educational.
- Talked with Anne Pier about using videos as stimuli in eyetracking experiments. It would be interesting to include nonverbal cues in the pragmatic unreliability stuff, or for something else.
- Ran the last 4 subjects for Scott's experiment
- Mech turk norming analysis
- Methods section writing/editing
- (Got sick and lost a couple days)
- Ran 2 subjects
- Practiced ggplot on R
- Finished statistical bunching papers
- Ran a subject
- Did last minute testing of the experiment
- Wrapped up analysis of my twitter data for morphosyntax reading group
- Continued my hunt for art for the plurality study
- Wrapped up background research on intoxicated speech