Wiki Editing Guidelines
1. ACL and headers
At the very top of every page, you should put a header similar to the one below this paragraph. The most important part is the first line, which is an Access Control List (ACL). If you don't have one, then a set of default rules about who can do what to a page kicks in, and they aren't necessarily what you want nor expect.
#acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers 2
Let's examine what these lines do, so you understand them and know what to change to do what you want.
1.1. Line 1
#acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read
The pound sign (#) at the beginning of the line tells the wiki software that this is a command for it. acl tells it that we're giving it an access control list. There are a number of groups and users on the wiki, and you can control what kind of access they each have. In this case we're giving members of the HlpLabGroup permission to read, write, delete, revert (i.e. undo someone else's changes), and admin (i.e. change permissions) for the page. We're also giving everyone (All) permission to read it. If you don't give someone admin access (at least yourself!), the permissions can't be changed down the road without contacting Chris Freemesser <chris AT SPAMFREE cvs DOT rochester DOT edu>. Another potential group you might want to give some degree of permission to is HlpLabGuestGroup. Multiple groups go together comma-separated before the colon. e.g.
#acl HlpLabGroup,TanenhausLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read
1.2. Line 2
#format wiki
Good question. I'm kind of cargo-culting this one. I think it's saying to look for wiki formatting codes, rather than any other it might know. -- AndrewWatts 2008-05-28 14:46:33
1.3. Line 3
#language en
This tells the wiki that this page is primarily in English and to follow the rules for formatting English text.
1.4. Line 4
#pragma section-numbers 2
Finally, this command tells the wiki to start the section numbering at the 2nd level of headings instead of the first. This way you can have a big heading at the top of the page that doesn't have a number in front of it. You can certainly leave this off if you want section numbers starting from the 1st level.