This page contains instructions and information about the new eyeris system. To see more about its continuing development in conjunction with DDPI-MK2, see the page DDPI-MK2.

Note that Eyeris is still in development and requires testing and user feedback as of Fall 2020. Expect this page and all linked pages to be continuously updated.

Table of contents:

Eyeris resources

To best communicate with Fabrizio about eyeris, use the following services. Note that Fabrizio's servers are only available 7am-1am.

Fabrizio is also the lab's Slack (specifically the #eyeris channel) for quick questions and clarifications.

Instructions for Experiment Development

Remote Buiding Instructions.pdf

While Eyeris is still in development follow the instructions on

This page describes how to develop an experiment in EyeRIS version 18.9.2 (updated September 11, 2020) while many features are still missing or currently unstable in EyeRIS. As these features become available, users may revert back to the intended instructions (starting at the page Getting Started). The method described here requires the developer to be on an eyeris-debug machine (i.e. no eye tracking hardware). In this way, experiment development is very similar to old-eyeris.

Attached is a power point that goes through the similarities and differences of EyerisM and new Eyeris EyerisMtoNewEyerisPPT.pptx

To view the eis_data structure that is output from an experiment visit EIS_DATA Structure

Example Experiments


Eyeris Machines for development:

Insight and CLion Machines

Eyeris Machines for data collection:

EyeRIS Devices

Analog Acquisition Source (GS16AISS16AO2)

Git repo for GS16AISS16AO2 Source


Photocell Usage Guide.pdf January 10, 2022 updates by Janis:

Known Bug

MAC 12/16/2021

The timings field of each eis_data.analog_data.monitor and eis_data.eye_data are organized differently re: spf and spd. This is a know bug, which isn't a problem as long as those who are analyzing the data understand it.

For sync of the the EEG and monitor and eye data, I am now writing a fair bit of code that takes the timings fields as is, i.e. if this bug gets fixed in the future, my code will break. Please let me know if this changes.

Also, here is a link to confluence where Sam explains some of the timing things in EyeRIS:

Digital Output

Git repo for digital output wrapper

Serial Output

Git repo for serial source

APLab: Common Codes to add to shared libraries and Feature Requests

Created Dec 21, 2021

Common Codes / Shared Libraries

These tasks are common to all or many experiments

Calibration: Consolidation and Requests

The autocalibration and manual calibration should have the following modes as options:

Operational Modes:

General Features:

Eyeris-New (last edited 2022-06-23 18:40:27 by PaulJolly)

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