This ranking shows how often a page was requested since logging began. It provides just a dumb counter, i.e., every single page request counts as one hit.

  1.  88683 MoinMoin
  2.  66328 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
  3.   9263 HelpContents
  4.   8662 FrontPage
  5.   7482 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  6.   3274 RecentChanges
  7.   2312 LabMeeting
  8.   1530 MissingPage
  9.   1483 FindPage
  10.   1340 DDPIBaseline
  11.   1176 Projects
  12.   1083 LabDirectory
  13.   1069 Equipment-DDPI-MK2
  14.   1069 Equipment
  15.    986 HelpOnMacros
  16.    849 LabUpkeep
  17.    759 TitleIndex
  18.    736 Artificial Eye and Rotational Stage
  19.    675 Equipment-DDPIEyeTracker
  20.    625 Eyeris-New
  21.    620 Zemax
  22.    614 SubjectMethods
  23.    590 WordIndex
  24.    583 Resources
  25.    568 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  26.    559 EventStats/Languages
  27.    537 NewPersonGuide
  28.    537 Equipment-GamingMonitors
  29.    515 WantedPages
  30.    472 Equipment-LabComputers
  31.    469 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  32.    448 Engineering Update Archive
  33.    423 HelpOnNavigation
  34.    386 WikiCourse
  35.    386 Grants
  36.    361 CoxMA
  37.    352 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  38.    351 Projects & Designs
  39.    346 Jeff's Big Book of Projects
  40.    339 GeneralLabHelp
  41.    316 DPIBaseline
  42.    314 Stage
  43.    283 ManualsForms
  44.    282 HelpOnSearching
  45.    274 StudyPersonnel
  46.    274 Projects/Janis/DriftGainTheory
  47.    271 Projects-Janis
  48.    265 Equipment-ColorMeter
  49.    260 DDPI 85Hz Oscillation Investigation
  50.    246 BiteBar
  51.    228 LanguageSetup
  52.    221 Equipment-OCT
  53.    217 WebsiteUpdateInstructions
  54.    215 Equipment-MechanicalShutter
  55.    214 Server Connections-Argus
  56.    206 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  57.    204 DDPI_rotation_stage_dev
  58.    202 MissingHomePage
  59.    200 LabPapers
  60.    199 Equipment-DualDPI
  61.    189 Equipment-Mill
  62.    186 RecruitmentProgress
  63.    180 Updates_2018_08_21
  64.    180 New Bitebar Setup
  65.    179 PC
  66.    173 WikiCourse/21 Macros
  67.    173 Brainstorming
  68.    166 PageHits
  69.    166 DDPIMK2-VideoRecording
  70.    161 Using the DDPI testing library
  71.    158 Fabrication request
  72.    158 Equipment-DPIEyeTracker
  73.    151 Scrum
  74.    151 DPI Photodiode
  75.    149 EventStats/HitCounts
  76.    149 Equipment-OscillatingSearchCoilSystem
  77.    147 Quick Scripts-nvidia_docker_install
  78.    145 CamelCase
  79.    142 OrphanedPages
  80.    140 Projects-Natalya-MsEnhancement
  81.    138 Janis
  82.    137 Equipment-CRTMonitor
  83.    137 CategoryHomepage
  84.    135 Equipment-URLabSpace
  85.    135 AbandonedPages
  86.    134 Equipment-EyeRIS
  87.    133 RedCap
  88.    133 EditedSystemPages
  89.    131 Projects-Adaptive_Optics
  90.    131 Journal Club Resources
  91.    131 Equipment-DDPI-MK2-MonthlyTests
  92.    129 Equipment-Photodiode
  93.    127 Claudia
  94.    126 Projects-Janis-BrownianMotionModel
  95.    125 Quotes
  96.    124 DDPI_MK2_RunningLog
  97.    124 DDPI_MK1_ChangeLog
  98.    123 HelpOnAdministration
  99.    121 Projects-DriftGain
  100.    121 Coil System Calibration
  101.    119 Corel Draw
  102.    118 RAProjects
  103.    118 Projects-Janis-Snellen
  104.    118 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  105.    118 DDPIComparison
  106.    117 Sara
  107.    114 Project-Color
  108.    111 DDPI endswitch (motor safety system)
  109.    110 Equipment-Optitrack
  110.    108 Project-Myopia
  111.    105 HelpOnRobots
  112.    103 Naghmeh
  113.    103 DDPI_RunningLog
  114.    101 Bin.Project
  115.    100 DDPI safety break
  116.    100 Annegret
  117.     99 Natalya
  118.     98 Monitor testing
  119.     96 Projects-Janis-DriftControl
  120.     95 Projects-Natalya-Spatial
  121.     95 Projects-Ashley-Crowding
  122.     95 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  123.     95 HelpForBeginners
  124.     92 Projects-Natalya-Temporal
  125.     92 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  126.     91 Equipment-EEG
  127.     90 Ashley
  128.     89 WikiName
  129.     89 Projects-Janis-Snellen-BinocularSnellen
  130.     87 Coil System Noise
  131.     86 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
  132.     86 JeffProjects - Orienting
  133.     85 JeffProjects - Coil Bitebars
  134.     85 EIS_DATA Structure
  135.     84 Rania
  136.     84 Projects-ContrastSensitivityMapping
  137.     84 Claudia-VernierProject
  138.     83 JeffProjects - DDPI-mk3 Stage Controller
  139.     83 APLABSkype
  140.     82 RandomPage
  141.     82 HelpOnEditing
  142.     79 Projects-Janis-Snellen-MonocularSnellen
  143.     79 Forks
  144.     78 Yu
  145.     78 Projects-Janis-DriftGainTheory
  146.     77 StereoVision
  147.     76 Projects-3DVernier
  148.     75 Projects-Janis-ContrastSensitivity_Ecc
  149.     75 BoyuanLi
  150.     74 Projects-Demo Videos
  151.     73 Projects-Janis-LocalImageCorrelation
  152.     73 Projects-Janis-Hyperacuity
  153.     72 HelpOnParsers
  154.     72 HelpOnFormatting
  155.     71 Projects-Vis_Dynamics
  156.     71 JeffProjects - DDPI/DPI Bitebars
  157.     71 Equipment-OscillatingSearchCoilSystem-JanisNotes
  158.     70 New Bite Bar Station
  159.     70 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  160.     69 TestChrisPage
  161.     69 PageSize
  162.     68 Technical Overview-DDPI_tracking_algorithm
  163.     68 Projects-Natalya-MicrosaccadeFaces
  164.     67 Projects-Janis-StereoVision
  165.     67 Movement Testing
  166.     67 JeffProjects - Argus Lab Server
  167.     66 BinocularSnellen
  168.     63 StereoscopeDesign
  169.     63 Snellen
  170.     63 HelpOnUserPreferences
  171.     62 Project-Nystagmus
  172.     61 Projects-Temporal_Snellen
  173.     61 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  174.     58 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  175.     58 HelpForUsers
  176.     56 Protolabs - Bitebar Manufacturing
  177.     56 Project-SmoothPursuit
  178.     55 Server Connections-name
  179.     55 Projects-MouseMicrotremor
  180.     55 HelpOnMacros/Include
  181.     54 HomepageGroupsTemplate
  182.     53 Project-MicrosaccadePrecisionModel
  183.     53 HelpOnImages
  184.     52 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  185.     51 Project-VisualDynamics
  186.     50 HelpOnSlideShows
  187.     50 EventStats/UserAgents
  188.     49 HelpOnConfiguration
  189.     48 WikiSandBox
  190.     48 EventStats
  191.     47 Projects-Natalya-ExoAttention
  192.     46 Snellen/BinocularSnellen
  193.     45 HelpOnSpellCheck
  194.     45 HelpOnLinking
  195.     44 WikiHomePage
  196.     43 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  197.     43 HelpOnTemplates
  198.     43 HelpOnTables
  199.     43 HelpIndex
  200.     42 CategoryCategory
  201.     41 HelpOnMoinCommand
  202.     40 WikiWikiWeb
  203.     40 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  204.     40 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
  205.     40 SlideShowTemplate
  206.     40 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  207.     39 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
  208.     39 HelpOnSpam
  209.     39 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  210.     38 HomepageTemplate
  211.     38 HelpOnXapian
  212.     38 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  213.     37 HelpOnHeadlines
  214.     36 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
  215.     36 HelpOnVariables
  216.     36 HelpOnActions
  217.     36 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  218.     35 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
  219.     35 WikiCourse/13 Lists
  220.     35 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  221.     35 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  222.     35 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  223.     35 HelpOnLogin
  224.     35 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  225.     34 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  226.     34 HelpOnSubscribing
  227.     34 HelpOnPageCreation
  228.     34 HelpOnAuthentication
  229.     33 WikiTipOfTheDay
  230.     33 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
  231.     33 WikiCourse/17 External links
  232.     33 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
  233.     33 InterWiki
  234.     33 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
  235.     33 HelpOnDrawings
  236.     32 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
  237.     32 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  238.     32 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  239.     32 ProjectTemplate
  240.     32 HelpOnSynchronisation
  241.     32 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  242.     31 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  243.     31 SystemInfo
  244.     31 SlideTemplate
  245.     31 HelpOnXmlPages
  246.     31 HelpOnSessions
  247.     31 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  248.     30 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  249.     30 HomepageReadPageTemplate
  250.     30 HelpTemplate
  251.     30 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  252.     30 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  253.     29 XsltVersion
  254.     29 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  255.     29 SyncJobTemplate
  256.     29 PermissionDeniedPage
  257.     29 HelpOnSuperUser
  258.     29 HelpOnSmileys
  259.     29 HelpOnRules
  260.     29 HelpOnLists
  261.     29 HelpOnComments
  262.     29 HelpOnAdmonitions
  263.     29 CategoryTemplate
  264.     28 WikiCourseHandOut
  265.     28 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  266.     28 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  267.     28 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
  268.     28 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  269.     28 HelpOnUserHandling
  270.     28 HelpOnThemes
  271.     28 HelpOnGroups
  272.     28 HelpOnDictionaries
  273.     28 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  274.     28 HelpOnCategories
  275.     27 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
  276.     27 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
  277.     27 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  278.     27 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  279.     27 FortuneCookies
  280.     26 SystemAdmin
  281.     26 LocalSpellingWords
  282.     26 HelpOnPageDeletion
  283.     26 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  284.     26 BadContent
  285.     25 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  286.     25 ProjectGroupsTemplate
  287.     25 HelpOnNotification
  288.     25 HelpOnLanguages
  289.     25 HelpOnEditLocks
  290.     24 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  291.     24 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  292.     22 LocalBadContent
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